Hello there! If you’re reading this, you’ve stumbled not only onto my website, but onto my blog for JSThreads. My name is Jessica, and I’m the creator of JSThreads. Some of you have come to know me through my social media, particularly my Facebook page, but some of you may be completely new to my work so I wanted to set up an introduction post for you guys.


I won’t go too much into how JSThreads itself became a thing because you can read that here and I’ll probably make a separate post for it later. I’m married to my best friend, and we have a turtle named Albee. When I’m not sculpting or crocheting and binge watching on Netflix, I am a project coordinator and copy editor at my alma mater, Washington State University (Go Cougs!). I have a group of clients I work with to help turn their print projects or HTML emails into reality. With whatever time is left in the week, I’m usually playing some kind of video game. The Halo series is my favorite, but I’ll also play Borderlands, Battleborn, or a couple of others with my husband.
Jessica --creator of JSThreads
A photo from the wedding
Our turtle, Albee


For a while, I’ve been wanting to do some more in depth tutorials and interaction with you guys. I eventually want to try my hand at a YouTube channel, but in our current apartment I just don’t have the set up to effectively video me working on things. Maybe someday….

I have, however, put up a photo progression of a project before, and a lot of you guys seemed to really like that. I think it’d be fun to do a mixture of posts, but either way, it’ll be informal and fun! I want to be able to share what I do and what I’ve learned with you.

I also think blogging would be a fun way to interact with people. I would love to hear more from you guys. Blogging can be a space to share information and create a conversation, so please let me know in the comments about what you’d like to hear about in future posts! Part of the reason I don’t post a whole lot to my personal Facebook page anymore is because I just never got any sort of interaction from people. My JSThreads Facebook page, on the other hand, provides a space where more people interact with me and with each other, and I love seeing it happen! I’m hoping this blog can act as a similar space.


There are a few different things I want to blog about. There are times where I feel like I struggle with my identity as a creator because I equally love to create in two very different mediums, and sometimes that may come off as me being a bit scatterbrained. There are different scenarios where using one over the other is the most ideal. That means I’ll be blogging about both.
I want to share what I know about working with polymer clay and yarn/felt. These kinds of posts may be photo “tutorials,” updates, sharing/featuring other cool artists, and more! My goal is to weave in tips and tricks and other things I’ve learned about these mediums along the way. When I participate in events, I’ll most likely post about those as well. I’ve only participated in a couple so far, but they have been a lot of fun and definitely something I want to share with you guys.

Well there you have it! A quick and hopefully painless way of getting to know a little bit about me and my blog. Feel free to wander through the rest of my website. I’d love to hear what you think!

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