My first shop swap!

We’re taking a detour this blog post! This month, I participated in my first ever shop swap for Marketing Muggles. Our theme was Disney, and we were partnered up with another shop and got to create a Disney-themed item(s) for them!

I first want to share the super adorable items I received from Dee of princessandmain! She is a very talented creator who makes lots of different items out of fabric (most notably cozies) and bath bombs!

Dee created three sweet items for me: A Belle cozy, a Nightmare Before Christmas themed mini duffle and wristlet attachment, and a super cute mouse and floral themed makeup bag. Just look at how pretty they are! You can tell they are well made, and their coordinating fabrics are gorgeous!

The Belle Cozy

The Belle cozy features an insulating liner for heat/cold protection, and an embroidered cartoon face of Belle. The fabrics and buttons Dee used feel spot on and add such a cute touch to the overall cozy.

Using the Belle cozy

The Nightmare Before Christmas Duffle

For the Nightmare Before Christmas mini duffle and wristlet attachment, it’s a convenient size that can carry all thos little extra bits when you don’t want to haul around a purse (because let’s face it, I never use a purse). I attached the wristlet to the duffle and brought it with me when I sent to a theme park. It was perfect to hold my ID, debit card, and some cash, and it was extremely secure as I walked around.

NBC mini duffle and wristlet attachment

The Make Up Bag

The third item Dee sent me is a make up bag. The exterior fabric is a print that has floral and Mickey Mouse elements. It’s such a great size, and I can fit all of my tools in it, so now I have a handy and cute bag to use when I travel with my clay!

Bag with polymer clay tools

Dee said her family is the reason she loves to create.

“Basically, I love to make things,” she said. “I have four daughters and five grandchildren, so making gifts is something I’ve always done.”

And it certainly shows! I just can’t get over how beautiful they are. Make sure to check out Dee’s Etsy shop, Instagram, and Facebook.

Switching gears, for my part of the shop swap, my recipient gave me a list of her favorite villains to choose from and wanted the final piece to be a surprise. My husband thought it would be fun to see a dragonfied Hades (from Hercules), so I went to work!

There were two challenging parts to this sculpture: the teeth and the clothes. My husband had pretty strong feelings about the pointy teeth being iconic to Hades’ look, and as anxious as it made me, I had to agree.

The second challenge was the clothing. The robe itself went over pretty well, and I had so much fun making the little skull clasp on his shoulder. The bottom of Hades’ robe, however, is supposed to be wispy sections of, well, what I always imagine was some sort of smoke, and making something solid have a very free form and flowy look proved to be challenging.

Hercules dragon

I enjoyed being able to do something a little different, and I sure hope I get the opportunity to participate in one of these shop swaps again!

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