Pullman ArtWalk recap

Well, the first art walk is over! If you are in my neck of the woods and were able to attend, I really appreciate it! I know most of you are long distance, so I wanted to dedicate this blog post to an overview of the event so you could see what it was like.

The Pullman ArtWalk was a three day event this year, with the main event being on Saturday. Friday, however, I was able to attend a really awesome lace making workshop put on by the Appaloosa Lace Guild. We learned three different types of stitches and made a little piece to take home at the end. This has always been something I was curious about, so I loved that this was the workshop the local arts commission put on this year. Here are some photos from that event!

As for the actual event on Saturday, here are the dragons I brought to display at the art walk:

I took a few videos as well so you could see how I was set up. My host business was a local performing theater, so it was a fun and creative space to be in!

I also work on a dragon while I’m at art walks so people can see how I work. I started the first dragon of a seasons series on Saturday, so here’s a sneak peak at what that will look like.

Spring palette

Me :)

Another success for the books! I love talking to you guys; it’s incredibly fulfilling to be able to share what I do in an interactive manner.

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